The Stratusphere

Television Appearances:

'Big Breakfast' (UK)

'Canada AM'

'Casey's Place'

'CBC Morning'


'Entertainment Tonight'


'First Take with Dan Carter'

'Howard Stern'

'Inside Edition'

'Off the Record'

'Open - Mike'

'Much on Demand'


'ROBTV - The Bottom Line'


'Sportscentral AM'

'Sunday Night HEAT'

'The Gallagher Show'

'The Jenny Jones Show' (Fitness Celebrity Success Story)

'The Score'

"Weakist Link"



Former Co-host - the LAW, wrestling radio show

Former host of weekly fitness call-in show - HITS 103.5

Editorial Features & Covers (listed alphabetically):


Calgary Sun

Divas 2002

Divas in Henodism 2001

FHM (UK edition)

Fitt Journal

Great Lake Fitness Guide - 'Official Arnold Schwarzeneggar Classic Magazine'

Hamilton Spectator

MAXIM (UK edition)


Musclemag International

Natural Muscle Magazine

Optimun Health and Fitness (UK)

Oxigen - women's fitness

RAW magazine

Satellite Times

Star Choice Debut

Toronto Sun

TV Guide Cover

Urban Male Magazine

WWF Magazine


Dream Team Calendar Series - 1999*, 2000*, 2001*

'Golf Etiquette' series - 2000*, 2001*

Musclemag's Millenium Calendar**, 2001 Calendar

Oxygen Magazine Millenium Calendar**

2000, 2001, 2002 WWF DIVAS Calendar**

*featured exclusively

**featured on particular month(s)




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